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Empowering Women in Employment & Entrepreneurship

In the current economic landscape, it is more important than ever to recognize and support women's roles in the labor market and entrepreneurship. Despite making up half the population, women are often underrepresented in these areas. This discussion seeks to shed light on the ways we can empower women with an international background and promote their presence in these critical areas.


In an interactive format, our event encourages open conversation in Ukrainian, English and Spanish, and aims to foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration towards empowering women from all cultural backgrounds in employment and promoting entrepreneurship opportunities. In a relaxed setting, participants can share experiences, ideas, and insights on how to enhance employment prospects and support women in their entrepreneurial endeavors.


The discussion will be a vibrant mix of inspiring success stories, practical advice and innovative strategies to support women in employment and entrepreneurship. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is key to a thriving economy and society, and that everyone's perspective and expertise will contribute greatly to the richness of this conversation.


The panel discussion will be held in English.


When: Tuesday, May 28, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Where: memox Taunusanlage – Taunusanlage 10, Marienturm 4th floor, 60329 Frankfurt


Admission is free! Save your spot, limited availability
The event is fully booked. There are no more places available.

Join us!


We look forward to your active involvement!


The following program awaits you:

4 p.m. Registration & Networking
4:20 p.m. Welcome (in English)
  • Gabriele Wenner, Managing Director City of Frankfurt Office of Women's Affairs - in Video
  • Unica Peters, Managing Director jumpp – Ihr Sprungbrett in die Selbständigkeit, Frauenbetriebe e.V.
4:30 p.m. Best Practice - Interview with Success Stories (in English)
  • Svitlana  Lebedynska, Founder of Angel Swert Video Production, Best Practice Entrepreneurship
  • Kavya Pemmaiah, Database AdministratorBest Practice Employment
4:40 p.m. Exchange and Discussion Tables
  • Viktoriia von Rosen, Co-Founder & Managing Director of the Ukrainian Coordination Center e.V., Ukrainian language table
  • Polly Yu, Project Director Competence Center Asia at the Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH, English language table
  • Adriana Dos Santos, Managing Director of Abà e.V., Spanish language table
5:20 p.m. Break
5:30 p.m. Panel Discussion (in English)
  • Timnit Schäfer-Ghirmai, Labor Market Advisor at City of Frankfurt Office of Women's Affairs
  • Björn Krienke, Chairman of the Management Board at the Employment Agency Frankfurt am Main
  • Dr. Nicole Köck-Maier,  Job Counselor and Coordinator for recognition of foreign qualifications at the Employment Agency Frankfurt am Main
  • Maryna Shevchenko & Denys Vinnik, Members of the Ukrainian Coordination Center
  • Aicha Bah Diallo, Project Manager jumpp Ihr Sprungbrett in die Selbständigkeit, Frauenbetriebe e.V.
6:10 p.m. Summary and Conclusions (in English)
6:20 p.m. Networking & Snacks
7 p.m. End of Event




Many thanks to our cooperation partners:

The project „Empowering Women in Employment & Entrepreneurship” is funded by the Frankfurt Office of Women's Affairs.

For more information or questions please contact:

Ximena López
Project coordinator (DE, EN, ES)

Luz Huaman
Project coordinator (DE, IT, ES)

Tel. 069-71589550